Il Film: "Il giro oltre, per sfidare le barriere a bracciate" "
Dear Friends,
I wish to build something of importance that helps to reflect on human mind, confidence and beauty of a relationship which can be built even between people who don't know each other.We have to equip ourselves with much confidence in order to reach new goals which are to help others that are less well.We will encounter many difficulties, but with joining all our forces, these will not prevent us from catching up with all our objectives.Many make a mistake in staying deaf to the outcry of the ones whos freedom has been violated and it is dangerous to let oneself decline moraly without taking a stock of ourselves, on our own will.Every person touched from a physical or psychical difficulty lives a kind of existential advent, the wait of a liberation that will be manifested totally, for oneself like for all, only at the end of the times. Without the faith, this wait can assume tones of the disappointment and discomfort.The disable person, demands not only cure, but first of all love that acknowledges, respects and integrates from birth to the adolescence, till the adult age and at the delicate moment, lived with trepidation by many parents, of the separation from their own children, the moment of ''after us''.The disabiliti is not only need, above all its stimulus and sollicitation. Sure it is question of aid, but before all it is still provocation in the comparisons of the egoism, individual or collective, it is an invitation to always form new brotherhoods.The disabiliti, in reality puts in crisis the conceptions of the life tied only to the satisfaction of the appearance, speed and the efficiency.I hope and I pray so that the istitutions and the people who preside them, are placed to listen with respect, to feel the need to question the hard work of existance filled with suffering and uneasines of painfull events, assumed as acquiered or hereditory.That they want to be closer to disable people and to their families, to be aware that the lack of attention sharpens suffering and solitude, while the faith testifies of the love and in the gratitude, it donates force and sense to the life. To many who have poltical responsibilities, and at all levels, I would want to ask to operate so that they insure living conditions and protect such opportunities for which the dignity effectively is recognized.In a rich society of scientific and technical acquaintances, it is possible and right to do more, in the several ways that the civil cohabitation demands, from the biomedical imparticular, in order to prevent the disabilities, to cure, attend to and rehabilitate new social integration.
If the civil and social rights are protected, it is even more important to safeguard the humanitarian relations, the sharing and friendship, aid relations. This is why forms of promoting rehabilitation and cure keep that integral vision of the humain person.Integration of the disable people has made progresses, even if much road still remains to cover, there are still some important urgencies e on which it is good to stop at and reflect.First of all, the right, that every man and every disabile woman have, in any Country of the world, to a life with dignity.It is not the case of only satisfying determined needs, but furthermore to recognise the wish to be accepted and have autonomy.It is necessary that integration becomes mentality and culture, and at the same time that the legislators and the governors do not show they lack in coherent support to this cause.The scientific research, for its part, is called to guarantee every possible form of prevention, protecting the life and the health.When the Disability is not dismissable, it is possible always to free the potentials which disabilities do not cancel.They are potentialities that supported increase: the rehabilitation, in fact, beyond, apart from that it gives back compromised functions, it activates others and puts a hold on to further decay.Amongst the rights lets not forget to guarantee those in education, at work , at home, the discouragement of the barriers, not only those architectonic ones!For the parents it is important to know that the society takes charge, after we are gone, making sure that our entrusted sons and daughters receive the prompt attention of a community ready to take them with love and respect.
With Love
Salvatore Cimmino