lunedì 6 settembre 2010


Alghero airport, august 30 2010

This year the swim crossing in Giancarlo’s honour was interrupted by the maritime authorities half way through when the finish was already in our sights, due to a gale warning, but this didn’t diminish the spirit or meaning of the event. I want to express my satisfaction and pride at having taken part in an event which indelibly changed my life.
I’ve been helped by people who from the beginning have expressed their support for my battle which has been theirs too for many years. Our aim is to guarantee care, support and inclusion in society to all the hundreds of thousands of people who suffer from pathologies which make it impossible for them to access the tutelary and supportive measures which are often designed by law, thereby mortifying the disable person and making the lives of their families impossible.
In these intense days, thanks to Gianluca Di Venanzo, Fabio de Zottis and John Kirwan, I have met many extraordinary people. Among them Pino Pinna, a boy who was left paralysed, like Gianca, during a rugby match. Pino is surrounded by the love of his family, his fiancé and his friends but certainly not by the support of institutions which for the last 10 years, despite the grave conditions in which he lives, haven’t been able even to guarantee the diagnostic examinations, for example on his kidneys, which are fundamental for a person who is necessarily immobile. Together with Pino and I was Professor Menarini, an extraordinarily kind and competent man and a historical presence in the manifestation “I swim for Gianca”, who confirmed the difficult situation Pino lives in.
Our battle is also for Pino so that he can obtain not only medical assistance, but also moral assistance, so that the quality of his life can improve in every way. Prof. Menarini to me is an example of excellence for the spirit in which he actively contributes to the improvement of the quality of life of disabled people, for his sensitivity and comprehension of the problems and barriers, not only architectural, which divide us from a so called normal life.

Andrea Stella and Pino Pinna

And Andrea Stella, not only for his contribution but also for the spirit with which he constructively strives to help the disabled.
It wasn’t a coincidence, but our souls wanted us to meet. I have two wishes which I pray will come true. To carry out a mission to help others, and to sail around the world.

Salvatore Cimmino with Andrea Stella

A couple of words on my swim around the world, a challenge which I am attempting to complete. I’d like to remind you that next September 18th I’ll be doing the second stretch, after the crossing of the Sea of Galilee last May, from Capodistria to Muggia (a total of 12 miles). I hope you’ll all come to wait for me at the Pullino Rowing Club in Muggia.
When I told John Kirwan that I was going to do a stretch in Australia in the region of Queensland near Elliott Heads, he wanted to guarantee his support, suggesting that I organize another stretch in September 2011 during the Rugby world championships, in New Zealand.

It’s a dream, but dreams make the world go round!

Salvatore Cimmino

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