domenica 23 agosto 2009

Swimming tour of Europa, 5th leg Copenhagen_Malmo

Ponte di Oresund

First of all, I’d like to thank Jan Bengtsson, General Manager of, Carsten Mortensen, Director of and Carina Polder, a top long distance athlete in the Swedish national team,, for their fantastic warm welcome. Also sincere thanks to Grazia Mirabelli, President of and Angelo Tajani, journalist with Il Mattino di Napoli for over 20 years, for their contribution and support with the project “Giro d’Europa a nuoto per un mondo senza barriere e senza frontiere” (Swim around Europe for a world without barriers or frontiers)
I set out on the route which brings me to this point, around two years ago. I was looking for an effective and unusual way to communicate difficulties and necessities which aren’t just mine, but are common to all those who live from day to day with a disability. In my case (I had a leg amputated), I’ve lived through the enormous problems encountered in trying to obtain from our national health service, a modern electronic prosthesis. Scientific research has taken giant strides in the last few years, perfecting artificial limbs which are so advanced they allow huge advantages in movement for those who need them, but in Italy they seem to be a mirage. Current legislation in Italy only allows for a series of absurdly dated tariffs which are unchanged since 1992!
This state of affairs, this total disregard for a significant part of the population, must be challenged, and I try to do this by swimming.
In fact, on 1° September I’ll be setting off for the 5th stage of my swim around Europe, from Copenhagen, the Copenhagen Harbour Company, to Malmo on the western Harbour.
The event will be preceded by a Press conference which will be held on 31st August at Malmo Town Hall at 10,00 and another an hour before the start at the Copenhagen Harbour Company.
I’m sure that it will be a day to remember for all those who will be lucky enough to take part in what will be a fantastic party.

Salvatore Cimmino

1 commento:

Unknown ha detto...

sei fortissimo! Ho letto l'articolo che ti hanno dedicato sul corriere, e mi ha fatto pensare al film "lo strano caso di benjamin button" dove c'é l'attrice che alla fine prende il coraggio a due mani e attraversa la manica!
Ma per te quella é acqua passata, vero?
Un saluto